
The Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SeMA) was created in 1991, as a contribution in the development of Mathematics and its applications in a wide range of scientific and industrial areas. Among SeMA main purposes one can find the development of scientific computation and numerical simulation, mathematical modelling and analysis and control techniques. The society organizes congresses, publishes the SeMA Journal and the SeMA Bulletin Newsletter, awards the best scientific contributions to the SeMA Journal, recognizes the best young researcher with the Antonio Valle Prize, participates in dissemination activities, etc.

SeMA has its origin in a series of conferences on Differential Equations and Applications (CEDYA). These conferences began as the initiative of a group of Spanish researchers, most of them from the areas of Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Analysis, with the goal of boosting the research in Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis, Mechanics, Optimization and Control. The first edition was held in El Escorial (Madrid) in 1978 and organized by the Complutense University of Madrid. After this first edition, the congress was held annually until 1987. Over the course of time, the congress topics were updated to incorporate new areas of Applied Mathematics. Because of this evolution, the congress was renamed to Congress on Differential Equations and Applications/Congress of Applied Mathematics (CEDYA/CMA) in the 1987 edition. After this edition, the conference changed to be biennial and SeMA was officially founded in the 1991 edition.

Information about previous editions of CEDYA/CMA Congress can be consuted here

Contributions to the CEDYA2022 include plenary lectures, minisymposia, oral communications in parallel sessions and a poster session.

The topics of the congress cover:

  • Partial Differential Equations (PDE)
  • Dynamical Systems and Ordinary Differential Equations (DS-ODE)
  • Numerical Analysis and Simulation (NAS)
  • Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA)
  • Optimal Control and Inverse Problems (OC-IP)
  • Mathematics Applied to Industry, Social Sciences and Biology (AM)
  • Machine Learning techniques and applications (ML)
  • Other: Scientific Computation, Approximation Theory, Discrete Mathematics,…


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